Integrating supportive care services at the time of advanced cancer diagnosis

Project description:

An advanced cancer diagnosis is a life changing and traumatic event. Not only is an individual already physically impacted by the physical manifestations of cancer but the life changing nature of the diagnosis with very serious implications for one's life expectancy and need to start treatments and especially so in the midst of a pandemic, has highly significant emotional impact. Furthermore, an increasingly younger cohort of patients are impacted by cancer and they are individuals with young families and reaching significant stages in their career.

It is well established that psychological support and exercise physiology has significantly beneficial effect in terms of accepting a cancer diagnosis, improving tolerance of treatment and improving cancer outcomes. We believe professional psychological counselling and exercise physiology should be embedded into the initial consultations of every newly diagnosed advanced cancer patient about to enter a treatment program.

Yarra Oncology is a community cancer practice in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. We have adopted this integrated approach since our inception. We have an accredited exercise physiologist and an experienced cancer counsellor associated with our practice. We routinely refer our patients to those services and the patients who engage with them have a demonstrable improvement of wellbeing and a sense of ownership of their management. However, cost is a barrier to patients accessing such services. If successful, the Patient Central Award will allow us to offer fully-funded an initial and follow-up appointment with both the counsellor and exercise physiologist on a first-come basis.


Integrated physical and emotional support services for the patient, at a time of an advanced cancer diagnosis, can lead to:

  • Improved tolerance of treatment and management of side effects

  • Enhanced emotional wellbeing

  • Greater self-efficacy

  • Improved quality of life

Impact on the healthcare professional & healthcare institution

Greater patient wellbeing and participation in treatment pathway, will be mutually beneficial for both the patient and the health care provider. We already have systems and referral pathways in place for this initiative, however expansion of the program will allow greater access to supportive care consultations for patients, by removing financial barriers to participation.


Yarra Oncology
6 Davey Drive
Ringwood East Vic 3135

Project contact person:
Dr Prasad Cooray

Project team members:
Dr Prasad Cooray (Oncologist)
Dr Danielle Ferraro (Oncologist)
Dr Sid Menon (Oncologist)
Dr Mei Sim Lung (Oncologist)
Julie Young (Cancer Counsellor)
Ruth White (Patient Support Nurse)